How to protect your internet life.

How to protect your internet life.

Internet safety practices tutorial at ADA boot camp.

Nowadays, so much of our daily life revolves around the internet such as working and learning. A 2021 survey conducted revealed that the average US household has 25 internet-connected devices, up from 11 in 2019.

The more online accounts we've, the greater we're prone to attack from cybercriminals.

Meanwhile, this can be prevented by understanding and following the step-by-step internet safety practices below.


Here are some practices you should follow on the internet to ensure you have a safe online life.

(1). Make sure your connection is secure.

(2). Use a strong password for your accounts (Note: Strong doesn't mean it should be complex).

(3). Don't use the same passwords for all your accounts.

(4). Enable Two-Factor authentication (2FA) where you can (Note: you can use Google Authenticator, Authy, and other authenticator apps on your mobile device).

(5). Always update your software and operating systems.

(6). Check the reliability of the website.

(7). Review your privacy settings and understand privacy policies.

(8). Be wary of where you click (Note: don't click on an unknown link).

(9). Make sure your devices are secure.

(10). Back up your data regularly.

(11). Close unused accounts.

(12). Be careful of what you download.

(13). Be careful of what you post.

(14). Be careful of who you meet online.

(15). Double-check online information.

(16). Use a good antivirus and keep it updated.

(17). Don't share your password with anyone.

In addition, e-mail is also another way cyber criminals take in attacking internet users. Some of the internet safety practices we can take on email are:

•Use strong passwords for your email account.

•Use Multi-factor authentication.

•Take phishing seriously.

•Avoid public Wi-Fi.

•Don't click on suspicious email links.


•Avast antivirus •360 Total Security •Brave Browser •Google Chrome •Adblock Addon for chrome.

Source of information:


(2). Goaler_Slides carnival file from ADA boot camp.

Image source: Google.