How the internet works

Meaning of the internet

The internet is the backbone of the web. It's the technical infrastructure that made the web possible. The internet or simply called "The Net" is a worldwide system of computer networks providing information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication processes

A brief history of the Internet

The internet had a rich historical background dating back to Oct 29, 1969. An organization called ARPANET launched its first iteration of the internet called ARPANET, connecting four major computers at the University of Utah, UCSB, UCLA, and Stanford research institute.

How the internet works

Two main concepts are fundamental to the way the Internet functions. They are Internet Protocol(IP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP). Both worked together to ensure that data transmission across the internet is consistent and reliable, no matter the place you're in or the device you're using. When data is transferred over the internet, it's delivered messages and packets. Data sent over the internet is called a message, but before they're sent, they are broken up into thinner parts called packets. These messages and packets travel from one source to the next using Internet Protocol (IP) and Transport Control Protocol(TCP). IP is a system of rules that govern how information is sent from one computer to another over an internet connection using a numerical address (IP address). The IP system received further instructions on how the data should be transferred. The TCP works with IP to ensure the transfer of data is dependable. This helps to make sure that no packets are lost. Packets are reassembled in proper sequence and there is no negative delay affecting the data quality.


Walt Howe, a brief history of the internet.