Coding a Console App with dart language

Coding a Console App with dart language

A console app that prompts users to input their name, age, favorite color, and one unique trait; Hogwart Zitz App.

After the user had inputted the required information, it will print out the Hogwart house he/she belongs to.

Here is the step-by-step process for coding the console app.

(1). To take input from the console, I need to import a library called dart:io from the Dart libraries. 'import "dart:io";

(2). I typed in the entry gate of the program. void main() {

(3). I used the List function to list out the color with the String name house color List<String> housecolor = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green'];

(4). To take input from the user, you need to use the .readLineSync() function. So I apply it to ask for the user's name. And for the output to be displayed for the user to read, I used print instead of the standard output function. Though both are the same, I prefer the print function because the word will begin in another line, giving it space.

Here is it // prompting user to insert name

print(" Welcome, kindly enter your name")

// user inputted name printed out

String name = stdin.readLineSync()?? 'no name inputted'

(5). The step above is applied to the other data except the age because it's an integer. So I apply the int.parse to convert the string into an integer.

//prompting user to input age

print('What is your age');

//user inputted age printed out

int age = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()!);

//int.parse converts the string into an integer

(6). After the user had inputted all the required information, we need to print out the house he/she belongs to. To do that, I used the Switch and Case statement.

// Assigning Switch and Case statements to the color

switch(color) {

case'red': {print('You are in Gryffindor house');}

we need to use the break statement to indicate the end of this code.


The same process is used for the remaining colors.

(7). The next process is to print out all the input. This is simple. I concatenate the datum.

// printing out all the input

print('Your name is $name; you are $age years; your favorite color is $color; your unique trait is $unitrait');

Below is the code snippet

import "dart:io";
void main() {
List<String> housecolor = ['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green];
//Prompting user to input name
print('Welcome, Kindly enter your name:');
//user inputted name printed out
String name = stdin.readLineSync()?? 'no name inputted';
//prompting user to insert age
print('What is your age?');
//user inputted age printed out
int age = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()!);
//int.parse converts the string into an integer
//prompting user to input favorite color
print('What is your favorite color?');
//user inputted favorite color printed out
String color = stdin.readLineSync()?? 'no color inputted';
//prompting user to input a unique trait
print('Enter one unique trait you have:');
//user inputted unique trait printed out
String unitrait = stdin.readLineSync()?? 'no unique trait inputted';
//Assigning Switch and Case statements to the color
switch(color) {
case 'red': {print('You are in Gryffindor house');}
switch(color) {
case 'blue': {print('You are in Slytherin house');}
switch(color) {
case 'yellow': {print('You are in Ravenclaw house');}
switch(color) {
case 'green': {print('You are in Hufflepuff house');}
// Printing out all the input
print('Your name is $name; your age is $age years; your favorite color is $color; your unique trait is $unitrait');